Today July 9th is my mother's 64th birthday!
I don't have a bunch of pictures of her to post here like I do my rikishi friends.. but I can mention her birthday because it is just as special as all of the guys!!
I guess we all think our moms are the best but I know mine is! As a single mother she raised me well through many difficulties! She probably didn't get to do 1/4 of the things she wanted to do in life due to having me around and trying to take care of me and work 18 hours a day but I appreciate that for sure! I wouldn't be here without her!
Even with a baby and then toddler in tow.. she managed to get ahead and she had two careers before retiring completely last year. First retiring from government service and then going back to school to get her degree (since she dropped out of university to have me..) then becoming a Special Education Elementary School teacher! I admire her for going back to school ate such a late age! She's great! Unfortunately last year she suffered a stroke and was not able to go back to work and was forced to medically retire! Now she takes care of my grandmother in Texas where they live together! Being a caregiver isn't easy, again she amazes me with her strength!!
Happy Birthday Mom!!! I love you!!!!
Hello again :) It's Brian, I emailed you about this time last week. I'm just wondering if there's a problem with my order or if your email server isn't working again or something.
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