June 15, 2008
This is Amuru from Russia! He's one of the sexiest rikishi ever!!! Kazuko especially loves him very much!!! She told me about him first and when I saw him I saw she was right! He is very sexy!!! Amuru has been in sumo for 6 years. His current banzuke ranking is Makushita 23West but he will be moving up because he got a Kachikoshi (winning) record in the May Basho! Amuru is 24 years old. He'll be 25 on August 25th! In fact we are hoping to take him out to celebrate his birthday after he comes back from Nagoya and the Summer Jungyo tour!
This is me with Wakakoyu! He is one of my sweeties!!! His smile is one of the cutest of all Rikishi! He and Kotoshogiku have the best smiles I think! Wakakoyu was sitting with us during lunch after asageiko (morning practice) and I got so nervous I could barely breathe! I fell in love with him during the Hatsu basho! I love his Kesho-mawashi (that he wears for Dohyo-iri) I will try to find a picture later. It has a cute mouse designed by his friend. He is sweet, funny and wants to study English! I promised to teach him! I was so embarrassed because I couldn't talk or breathe or do anything when he was sitting next to me! I can't wait for the Nagoya basho to cheer for him!!!! Wakakoyu is from Nishifunabashi in Chiba (happens to be where I work at the college on Thursdays). He is 24 years old now! His current banzuke ranking is Juryo 13East! He also got a kachikoshi during the May basho!

This is me with Katayama & my Legacy! He wanted to take a picture with me in front of it! He is more cute than I thought!!! I mean when I met him in person I found out he was much much much cuter than I remember from TV and the Kokugikan! Katayama is maybe the most limber of all Rikishi! I fell in love with him the first time I saw him doing Shiko 四股 . He lifted his leg up like a ballerina and I was shocked. I mean most rikishi are very limber, certainly more limber than I have ever been, even at birth, I'm sure! But, he is just exceptionally limber and looks so cool doing his shiko! I couldn't help but fall in love with his Shiko and always look forward to watching him at the basho! What a real treat for me at asageiko as well!!! I didn't get to talk with him as much as I wanted but I will in the future! He's a real sweetie too and I will support him even more from now on!!!! He will be 29 years old in September! Hopefully we can take him out to celebrate his birthday along with Amuru the end of August before getting busy for the September basho here in Tokyo! His current banzuke ranking is Juryo 14West but he had an outstanding kachikoshi record and will move up!
This is a treasured photo for me with my favorite Okami-san (おかみさん) .
She is sweet, kind and beautiful!!! She was a pro golfer!! I saw her pictures on the Onomatsu website. I wanted to meet her very much!!! When I saw her I got so excited that I couldn't think of anything to say except that "I want to meet you!" How stupid is that? Well, after I calmed down we talked a lot. She & Oyakata make a great couple! He is gentle & kind (when he is not coaching!! Then he is strict like he should be!!!) and so is she! In the picture are Chris, me, Okami-san & Katrin (a friend of mine from Germany) in front! Okami-san, we really love you very much!!!! You really are wonderful!!!!!
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