Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Belated Birthday Kaio 魁皇 !
Thursday was Kaio's 36th birthday!
He celebrated with a nice birthday win rich also gave him the kachi-koshi (more wins than loses required to keep your rank!)
Congratulations Kaio on your win, your birthday and your kachi-koshi!!!

Shamelessly I can't find any decent photos of Kaio tonight. This was taken on the first day of the May basho in Tokyo. Kaio with Baruto! Kaio right front!

Another in the match with Baruto. Kaio is facing this way.. :)
Nagoya Basho Update!
Quite a late update but some exciting things are going on
氣魄 Update first:
He was able to win on the 9th day and was at 5-0!!!
However on the 10th day he faced Fukao.
Fukao has never been beaten in his short Sumo career except once in a play off match! Kihaku did a fantastic job against him! The match was late enough in the day that it was broadcast on TV so I could watch it! Kihaku was so cool!! That day Kihaku went 5-1!
There is one more match to go for him which will likely be Saturday! I'm sure of a victory and a 5-2 outstanding record!!
Kihaku we love you and support you always!! You have 8 members in your fan club now.. growing daily!
Good Luck!!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Good Luck Kihaku!!!!!
Today is day 9 of the Nagoya Basho!
氣魄 (at W-sd65) is unbeaten with a perfect 4-0 record. Only 10 others share this lead in Sandame (三段目)!
Today he faces one of them: Masuhikari
舛光理 (at W-sd72)

Chris, Tomomi, Kazuko, Koike-sensei & I are behind you all the way!!! Do your best and remember we are here in Tokyo/Saitama and cheering for you!!!! We are only a small Fan Club but we are powerful like a big one!
Good Luck to you!!!!

(photo credit: Chris Gould, May 12, 2008)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy 21st Birthday Tochiminato!!!!

栃港 お誕生日おめでとう御座います。

Tochiminato Good Luck today in your "birthday" match with Nishtani!!
2008 Nagoya Basho

The Nagoya Basho is not off to a bad start! I haven't been able to update the last couple of nights due to barely having enough time to check the lower division results before falling asleep!! It is almost summer vacation.. I have to hang on a bit more!! It is hot in Tokyo/Saitama and it is hot in Nagoya as well! It is so hot that I feel naseuous in the afternoons. So, I worried about how the guys are feeling in Nagoya! Talked with the Mihogaseki beya manager on on Monday, he said it was so hot they were losing weight! Not good for Rikishi me thinks! Likewise talked with Tochinoshin Monday night, the heat isn't comfortable for him as well! I think it is a bit hotter here temperature wise but considering they are up and training before the day's bouts on an outside dohyo they must feel hotter than me! Take care in the heat you guys!!!

As of Wednesday the 4th day I am thrilled to report that my Juryo sweetie Wakakoyu is undefeated!! Unfortunately today Kitazakura suffered his first loss and is now 3-1. He'll bounce back tomorrow! He was disappointed but they showed him smiling a bit later. He's over it now and ready to move on tomorrow!!! Aran is having a bit harder time as a new Juryo guy with another loss today making him 2-2. Tochinoshin had another win today and he is at 3-1. Kimurayama suffered his first loss yesterday and is also at 3-1!

In the lower divisions (they only have 7 matches out of 15 days, so not every day) my best sweetie
氣魄 Kihaku is also undefeated!! Today he had a great win over 富士ノ風 Fujinokaze! GREAT JOB Kihaku with 2-0. He has another match tomorrow with 旭隆岳 Kyokuryudake so please wish him luck with me!!!

My other sweetie
栃港 Tochiminato has a "birthday" match tomorrow with 西谷 Nishitani!!! Hoping he can have a nice birthday win!!! Good Luck!!!!

I will try a much better update tomorrow!!!
It is just going on 2am soon and I'm not even ready for tomorrow's lectures yet!

Good Night!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

2008 Nagoya Basho

The Nagoya basho has started off great!!! I couldn't be more pleased with the results on Day 1! Almost everyone I cheered for was triumphant today! It doesn't get any better!

The best and happiest was the Makuuchi Debut & Birthday Win by Kimurayama!! Congratulations to you Kimurayama! You really deserved it. Now, keep up the good work!

Another best for me was the fantastic win of Kitazakura in the Je3 slot! I was able to actually watch TV from his match and see it live! I couldn't have been happier!!! Kitazakura-san keep up the good work!!!!

A fantastic win by Toyonoshima over Yokozuna Asashoryu! It was their first match up and I don't think Asa expected to lose, at least not by the look on his face! It was some great sumo and I think the win will boost Toyonoshima's confidence in his new rank!

A match that could be expected was between Kotooshu (who won the yusho last basho) and Aminishiki who was the only person who beat him last tournament! In my opinion Kotooshu lost before he got to the dohyo. Media reports said he didn't eat yesterday because he was nervous. I can't confirm that but he did not look confident. I love Aminishiki so I'm pleased with the result! Tomorrow Aminishiki faces Yokozuna Hakuho! I really hope he can pull off another win!!! But Hakuho won't be easy to beat! Good Luck to you Ami! I know you can do it in my heart!!!!

Kasugano 春日野
beya had a fantastic result by almost all rikishi as did Onomatsu 阿武松 beya! I'm wondering if it had anything to do with all those cookies I sent them?!

Kasugano winners:
Congratulations to Tochinonada, Tochiozan, Kimurayama, Tochinoshin, Kasuganishiki, Tochinoshima, Tochitensho & Tochidaiho!
Special congratulations to Tochiminato!!!!!

Onomatsu winners:
Wakakoyu!!! Amuru!!! (the love of Kazuko's life..) Fujimoto, Nakanishi , Terashita & Matsumidori! And more winners.... Notozakura!!!! Kurosawa!!!!
Congratulations to all you guys!!!!

Of my other favorites:
Kaisei, Ama, Toho, Aiyama, Hakurozan, Kotokobai, Kotoumeda, Tsubasaumi, Kotomitsuki, Fukuoka & Takanomiya were all winners!
They are arranged by my liking... not by banzuke ranking! :)

And unfortuantely newly promoted Aran in Juryo suffered a loss! It wasn't really good sumo, maybe he was nervous!
Aran-chan, ganbatte tomorrow!!! He faces Ichihara who is pretty experienced so it should be a good match! Hope Aran can do it!

Special good luck wishes going out to Kihaku
氣魄!!!! Tomorrow he faces Chiyoarashi 千代嵐. Kihaku I'm really wishing for your great opening win for you tomorrow! BEST BEST BEST of GOOD LUCK!!!! (PS thanks for your nice email yesterday!)

Will try to provide more info and links tomorrow! I'm in a rush due to an early morning teaching the small ones.. 4 and 5 year olds at the Hoikuen!! I always need to be bright eyed and well rested to deal with them on Monday mornings!!!

Good night from Japan! Hot and sticky Saitama specifically!!!
Happy Birthday Kimurayama!!!
Today is your special "shonichi" birthday!

Wishing for your win today and the rest of the basho! Can't think of a better way to celebrate your birthday!

Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday to you.... Happy Birthday Kimurayama... Happy Birthday to you!!! Now blow out the candles!!!
Kimurayama is in Kasugano beya. He was born Mamoru Kimura July 13, 1981 in Wakayama prefecture! He made his first "hatsu dohyo" in Maezumo in March of 2004. He spent most of his career in the Makushita ranks. He did well but one day he realized that younger guys in Kasugano were moving faster ahead of him and he decided to "ganbarize!" (do better sumo) and he did. Then he was promoted to Juryo in January of 2008 and unfortunately his first basho wasn't great. He got a make-koshi (losing record) but at his Shin Juryo Promotion party he told me he would ganbarize again and show a great result in the next basho in Osaka in March! True to his word he was 12-3 and he got the Juryo Yusho! Kasugano Oyakata was very pleased as Tochinoshin had gotten the Juryo Yusho in January and Kimurayama followed it up with the yusho in March! Nice showing for Kasugano beya!

In the Natsu basho in May Kimurayama had another very impressive result in Juryo at 11-4 and had been tied for the yusho for some time during the tournament! He was rewarded for his hard work with a promotion to the highest division of Makuuchi!

Happy Birthday and Good Luck to Kimurayama today!!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Shin-Juryo Aran!!!
Taken at Yokozuna Soken April 29, 2008

Shin-Maku Kimurayama!!!
Taken at Tokyo One Day Tournament June 1, 2008

With Viki after his matches of the day!
With Tomomi after his matches of the day!
Nagoya Basho 2008

The Nagoya basho starts tomorrow! It should be very exciting considering the big upset with Kotooshu getting a yusho over both Yokozuna! Hoping this time around to see another big surprise from someone!!!

The Nagoya basho also has some exciting new Sekitori!

Shin-Makuuchi (newly promoted to the highest division)
木村山 Kimurayama from Kasugano will make his debut at the Maegashira 12 west slot! Not only will his this be his debut match as 幕内 Makuuchi division but it will be his birthday! I can't think of a better present than a great win on your debut, can you? His debut match will be over 豪風 Takekaze!!! Good Luck Kimurayama!!!

Another promotion is that of Aran who has been promoted to the second highest division of
十両 Juryo! Aran will face Tosayutaka in his first match!! Aran's rank is East Juryu 14! Wishing him lots of luck!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Birthday 若の里 (Wakanosato)

July 10th is Wakanosato's 32nd birthday!

Unbelievably I can't find a better picture of Waka anywhere... this is him far right during the warm up for the Soka Jungyo in April 2008

Wakanosato belongs to Naruto beya alongside Kisenosato! Wakanosato made his debut in March of 2002 and in his first full tournament in May 2002 he won the Jonokuchi Yusho!! In the last basho May of 2008 he was 10-5 at the Maegashira 10 rank and coming Sunday in Nagoya he will be starting at the Maegashira 4 rank! Good Luck to you Wakanosato!!! Hoping for another 10-5 or better basho for you this time around!!

JULY 10th is also the day I saw gas prices the highest ever! When I was on the way home from work I looked over and almost crashed when I saw the price of gas has reached $7.60 a gallon here! It is a little cheaper here in Saitama where I live but in other areas it is at that scary price!!! Still not as high as England where I here it is $9.00 or more a gallon but much worse than the US where it is still just over $4.00 a gallon!! When you are in the US today filling up and being discouraged... just think of the Japanese cost and you may feel better!!!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Happy Birthday MOM!!!
Today July 9th is my mother's 64th birthday!

I don't have a bunch of pictures of her to post here like I do my rikishi friends.. but I can mention her birthday because it is just as special as all of the guys!!

I guess we all think our moms are the best but I know mine is! As a single mother she raised me well through many difficulties! She probably didn't get to do 1/4 of the things she wanted to do in life due to having me around and trying to take care of me and work 18 hours a day but I appreciate that for sure! I wouldn't be here without her!
Even with a baby and then toddler in tow.. she managed to get ahead and she had two careers before retiring completely last year. First retiring from government service and then going back to school to get her degree (since she dropped out of university to have me..) then becoming a Special Education Elementary School teacher! I admire her for going back to school ate such a late age! She's great! Unfortunately last year she suffered a stroke and was not able to go back to work and was forced to medically retire! Now she takes care of my grandmother in Texas where they live together! Being a caregiver isn't easy, again she amazes me with her strength!!

Happy Birthday Mom!!! I love you!!!!

Happy 20th Birthday
Wakanoho (若ノ鵬)

July 8th! Russian Wakanoho celebrates his 20th birthday! Now he can legally drink in Japan!! :-)

Wakanoho entered Sumo in March 2005. He made his Juryo division debut in January at the Hatsubsho of 2007. In November of the same year he had his Makuuchi debut! He's risen quickly since then and holds the Maegashira 1 position now, his highest ever. In his entire sumo career he's had only one make-koshi or losing record! He's a strong rikishi with a good future! He is one of the tallest rikishi 3rd tallest if I am correct (corrected: he is the third tallest of the sekitori! Thanks John!). Kotooshu is the tallest at 203 cm (6'7"), Baruto is at 198.5 (6' 5") and Wakanoho is at 195 cm (6'4"). Since he is young he's actually grown a couple of centimeters since starting sumo as he was only 17 when he entered sumo! He is at 156kgs (344lbs).

Happy Birthday Wakanoho and good luck in Nagoya!!!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Happy Birthday

Tochinokuni (栃ノ国) !!!

Congratulations on your 20th!!!!

These were taken with Tochinokuni on June 1st at Ryogoku Kokugikan during the one day tournament. One with me and one with Tomomi! He is her favorite Kasugano rikishi!!

This picture was taken in October 2007 during the Kasugano Chanko dinner party in Iruma during the week long training camp here!

This picture was taken of me with Tochinokuni in August 2006! Before my diet! I do look like a different person don't I? Thank god for my diet! I hate these old pictures!!!!

These pictures were also taken in August 2006 after lunch when the Tokoyama (床山) did each rikishi's hair for us. Some expressions on their faces were funny. It does hurt though surely you get used to it!

July 7th, which is also the Japanese tanabata festival happens to be Tochinokuni’s birthday as well!!

Tochinokuni celebrates his 20th birthday today! And Tochinokuni if you are reading this please know your special present is on the way from today! Please forgive me for being late!

Tochinokuni is a Sandame rikishi at Kasugano beya. His rank for the Nagoya basho is Sd East 28. It isn’t his highest rank as that was Sd west 25 in Kyushu last year! But he is back on track and moving up… hope to see him in Makushita very soon!!

Tochinokuni is from Utsunomiya City in Tochigi prefecture. Utsunomiya isn’t so far from where I live here and it is famous for delicious gyoza!! I love Utsunomiya!!!

I first met Tochinokuni here in Iruma at a Koenkai lunch. One week a year the Kasugano beya comes to Iruma where I am an Iruma Koenkai member. They do training for a week and stay at a local community center less than 10 minutes from my house. Then once during the week they invite the koenkai members to have chanko lunch or dinner with them. I was lucky to meet Tochinokuni in 2006. He was just 18 years old at that time! He is a couple of years older now but he hasn’t changed too much as you can see from the above pictures!

Good Luck in Nagoya!! Tomomi, Kazuko & I waiting for your Makushita debut!!!!

Happy Birthday
Isegahama Oyakata!

July 6th is Isegahama Oyakata's 48th birthday!
Hope you have celebrated with Isegahama boys in Nagoya!

Isegahama Oyakata was the former Yokozuna Asahifuji! His career started in January of 1981. His retirement was in January of 1992 not long after I had moved to Japan. So, unfortunately I didn't have such a long time to see his matches. He had a wonderful career as he ultimately reached the highest rank in sumo of Yokozuna! He won his first tournament as Jonokuchi with a nice 7-0 Yusho (tournament champion)! Then moved up to Jonidan division where he didn't get a yusho but had a 6-1 record and moved up to the next ranked group in Sandame where he went 7-0 and also got a yusho! He spent just one tournament in each three divisions!
He was then promoted to the Makushita division where he only spent three tournaments and had a 7-0 yusho in his 2nd makushita tournament.
In March of 1982 he was promoted to the upper rank of Juryo and spent one year there and was promoted to the highest division of Makuuchi in March of 1983!
During his time in Makuuchi he had 4 yusho as well as 9 Jun-yusho (tournament runner-up)!
He also earned 2 SHUKUN-SHO (outstanding performance awards), 2 KANTO-SHO (fighting spirit awards) and 5 GIN-SHO (techinque awards).
Before becoming Yokozuna he also achieved wins over two yokozuna (Kitanoumi & Futahaguro) earning him two KINBOSHI (gold stars)!

One last note is that I found Isegahama Oyakata to be one of the friendliest (and handsome) Oyakata I have met. He was very generous after asageiko with my friend Tomomi and I and struck up a conversation outside the heya with us where we talked about my Legacy as it was parked at the front door after Ama and Aminishiki had just signed it. Aminishiki professing his love for Petter Solberg! When Oyakata came about he also told me he loved my car and was a big rally fan. He shares a love of Petter Solberg as well!! Incidentally the Oyakata is the uncle of Aminishiki-zeki which could be why they both are Petter fans and rally fans in general!

Thanks again to Oyakata for a nice morning and letting us share asageiko and some nice talk with you! I'll post those pictures another time!

Happy Birthday to you and many more!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 31st Birthday Kasugao!!!
Belated wishes from July 1st!
I have been too busy this week making final exams! Sorry!!
Hope you had a nice birthday and ate some good sweets!

Picture of Kasugao left and Kokkai right at Soka Jungyo April 2008

Picture Kasugao back and Kokkai facing front. Yokozuna Hakuho looking on at the left. Taken Soka Jungyo April 2008

Happy 22nd Birthday Kisenosato!
Belated wishes from yesterday July 3rd!!
Hope you enjoyed something lovely like a cake with your good friend Kotoshogiku!

Photo Kisenosato left Kotooshu right. Natsu Basho 2008: Shonichi

Photo taken at Yokozuna Soken on April 29, 2008 at Ryogoku Kokugikan
Asashoryu, Ama and Kotooshu look on as Kisenosato fights with.. ?? I can't remember! Maybe I'm too sleepy to remember!!!