Sexiest Oyakata!!!
Futagoyama Oyakata of Otake Beya
After the exercises we even got a stamp card saying we participated. In fact I did absolutely nothing but take pictures since I was wearing a dress! Wait, I did do something... I flirted with the Oyakata!
With the stamp card were some Hello Kitty plastic dishes, bottle of water and some candy. Not to mention the best benefit, a hug and a photo with the Sexy Oyakata!! Can you believe he looks so good in Mawashi? He's almost 48 years old! There are a lot of current rikishi who do not look this good in Mawashi!!!
I wish I lived closer to the Kokugikan (as in not a few hours and tons of highway tolls and gas away here in Saitama!) that way I would be able to go every day from next Monday for two weeks to the morning practices for summer. Get more stamps on my card and more hugs?
Thank you Futagoyama Oyakata! I was dead tired, no sleep in two days and you really made my day!!!!!
I will write and post pictures of the great event of standing in line to buy sumo tickets. Incredible but I had fun, made new friends and it wasn't so bad. I got exactly the seats I wanted and enough tickets thanks to Shoo-kun who gave me his number to buy two more boxes!! Only two boxes per number so Tomomi and I worried what we would do but got lucky to meet nice Teikyo University boys (Takuya & Shoo) and got one of their numbers!
I have pictures of people "camping" in tents so I'll get them posted soon! Unbelievable!!! We arrived at 11pm and the first people were there before 8pm.
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