Thursday, August 23, 2007

Can It Get Any Hotter?

Wow, another blistering day!! Today when I left in the late morning to head for the gym I checked my mailbox downstairs and noticed my flower pot with my three flowers was missing. I thought "did someone steal my flower pot?" I know this is Japan so it couldn't happen. Then I looked across the street. My neighbor (the grandma one) had taken my flowerpot over to put in front of her house out of the sunshine so it would be cooler. I found out she has been watering my flowers every day too. One night I came home and she was watering them just after dark. She said they were "kawai so" (best translation: pitifully hot) in the heat. I thought it was sweet she had taken them in front of her house.

The other day she asked why the store temporary pots were still just sitting on top of the big flower pot. I mentioned that my intentions were good when I bought them but hadn't gotten them transplanted yet. Really they looked fine...
But today when I got home my pot was back in front of my house and the flowers were transplanted into the nice pot!

I will try to find something nice to buy her tomorrow, some sweets or something. Well, with this heat a nice gift might be a delivery of ice cubes?!

It was again 43 at the house today and when we went to the gym even there the a/c couldn't keep up it seemed and we were hot all afternoon. It was on but it was working overtime to keep up.

When I left my work tonight at 2100 it had just rained and there was a breeze. It was the most wonderful smell and felt cool even. Soon, I got home, the water dried up and it was just hot again!

Tomorrow should be another scorcher!!

Time for me to get a little work done now, it is about 1:30 in the morning Tokyo time. I have to start getting to bed earlier than after sunrise because I have to transition from Vampire Life to Human life starting Saturday when I work "human hours!"

I really like Vampire time in summer because it is slightly cooler at night and I have more energy. However, I'm not sipping the Vampire choice of beverages, just flavored waters... LOL



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