Friday, December 08, 2006

Hey Guys,
I'm so sorry, it has been 2 months since I made a new post. The time has flown by so fast!!!
It is very cold here in Japan now and I'm even shivering as I type this!!
Let me give you the latest quick news...
Hiromo and I are leaving for Osaka in a few hours to go to the Subaru Sports Meeting on Sunday. We'll be driving there all night. Hopefully we can make it there and then rest. It is about 6.5 hours if we do good. Driving at night will be much better, day time could be bumper to bumper traffic on the highway. We're going to see Chris there, not Petter unfortunately! We are excited though and also meeting up with other Rally friends who I couldn't hang out with during Rally Japan!
Chris is like the only driver on the planet who hasn't signed my car so I'm hoping to have him sign it, really the only reason we're driving and not taking the bullet train! Chris if you are reading this....

I'll give you the news when I get back! I'm sure it will be fun!!! We have a party tomorrow night the event Sunday and drive home becuase I have work Monday morning...

Other things that have been going on... those of you reading here that haven't clicked the link to "Petter's" site to the right need to do so. His new site is active and it is fantastic, thanks to Tone and Noomi working non-stop lately. The forums are nice, blog, news, pictures. Just click to the right!

Big excitement for me yesterday.. I got a letter from Jari-Matti Latvala! As you all know he is also one of my most favorite drivers in the world so it was fantastic to get his letter. I couldn't calm down for a long time. I've been showing it to everyone who knows I like rally!! They are probably wishing I'd stop??!!

Lastly some news that isn't happy. My mom is in the hospital. She has a stroke a little over a week ago. She doesn't know when she can get out of the hospital. She lives with my grandparents and takes care of them too. It has been very hard on her lately, she has been working all day with the elementary school kids (she is a Special Education teacher) and then at night and weekends doing many things for my grandparents. That was just too much stress I believe that pushed her to the stroke. She'll recover I'm sure but it isn't easy. She can't remember many things and has no idea if or when she can go back to work. It is a busy time at school so they really needed her help right now and she does remember that, she doesn't need that stress for sure either. Also nobody is staying at night with my grandparents now. I worry about that. It is hard to be a zillion miles away from them but I can't go there right now. I'm planning a one month trip to help them all out in March after school gets out here in Japan. For now my uncle is under all the pressure to try to help my grandparents and keep up with my mom (his sister). I'm thankful he is there but I'm also worried how this is affecting his health and stress.

If you pray, I'd appreciate if you'd say a prayer for my mom to recover as quickly as possible and one for my grandparents that they'll be ok while she can't do anything for them!!

I've got to get ready to go soon!!!

Take care & sorry again I didn't update sooner!!
